Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Me as a RA. Check the old computer!
I was an Resident Assistant (RA) in college for one semester. I went to a college where it was required to live on campus during freshman year. After that, most people either moved into one of the new "suites" or "apartments" or they found a place off campus. Needless to say, there were mostly freshman in our residence hall. In a building of mostly freshmen, I lucked out and got the floor with upperclassmen.

Each week, the RAs on staff got together and hashed out issues that occurred or were ongoing and planned for the week ahead. In a building of mostly 18 and 19 year old college students, we had our fair share of issues. (Some highlights I remember were hunting down a guy we *know* we heard on a girl's floor after hours only to find him cowering in a girls' closet. Another was a guy from top floor that had a habit of throwing food he didn't want or was finished eating out the window. He hit someone with a plate of nachos once. WHAT. IN. THE. WORLD.) It was a weird job that didn't prepare me in the least for "the real world" but it was free room and board and it was a lot of fun.
Anyway, in an effort to balance the otherwise stressful and unnecessary hard work that was babysitting young adults full time, the Residence Hall staff would start each meeting with "Happies and Crappies." This was always my favorite part because you got to learn about other things happening in a person's life outside of work and sometimes things got a little silly.

So, in an effort to relive that weird time in college and show you some of what I balance. I try to be as positive as possible on social media (including blogs) because negativity isn't worth broadcasting, but hey-- sometimes crappy things are going on. That's life, right? Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Tuesday's Happies and Crappies:

+  Happy: I slept like a ROCK last night. At least, I felt like I did! My Fitbit tells me I was awake once last night and restless 13 times. Whatever. I woke up totally refreshed. Win.
- Crappy: I slept SO well, that I slept through my alarm, which means I woke up too late to run this morning.
+ Happy: I have my own office at work, you guys. It's my first ever and I'm thankful for it every day. I can spread things out and get a ton of work done without being interrupted too much. It's awesome.
- Crappy: I didn't drink enough water today. I did get to come home and do a T25 workout, but I struggled. Badly.
+ Happy: My workout this afternoon (cardio), while a smidge dehydrated, was awesome. I was drenched and winded. I feel a true sense of accomplishment when I finish one of those workouts.
+ Happy: Dinner tonight was AMAZING. Check the recipes tab for crock pot tacos... it's seriously so delicious. It makes a ton and is arguably even better reheated. We will have leftovers for a couple of days.
+ Happy: I started a new book tonight. I'm all about personal development books lately. I'm listening to How The World Sees You by Sally Hogshead on Audible during my morning runs (highly recommend, btw) but tonight, I started in on the book my husband got me for our first wedding anniversary in June. It's called Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship and Life Together by Mark and Grace Driscoll. SO good so far, you guys. It's a Christian book writtenby a minister, but it's not jsut throwing Bible verses at you... it offers real life issues that even people in a Christian marriage struggle with. Get it. Read it. Tell yo' friends.  

So as you can see, my day was generally HAPPY. As most my days are. I don't have much to complain about because really, life is good. My big discouragement today was missing my morning run. And you'll always find discouragement during a journey like this. The lesson here is to focus on all the good.. trivial as it may seem. Your life is pretty stinkin' awesome. Admit it to yourself and the "bad" things will start rolling off a little easier.

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