I overslept this morning. Not because it was raining (for once) but because I'm pooped, y'all. Every muscle in my body is in shock from my double workouts the last several days. Oh, it's only Wednesday, you say? I know. It's only Wednesday and my body is screaming for help. It'll take some time to get to regular two-a-day workouts.
I did finally get up and moving. It was a process, but I thought, "Thank God for today! I'm looking FORWARD to this day! I'm THANKFUL that I woke up with the blessing of another day with a job and an amazing husband! Let's ROCK TODAY!"
At that point, I hobbled out of bed and got ready to run. Friends, my legs HATED me for this decision. But once I was out in the cool air that was mildy rainy, I got a strange surge of energy and I was in full on Forrest mode.
I ran for the better part of an hour! I couldn't help it. I was so pumped to finally be running after several days off because of morning thunderstorms! I kept a solid pace and kept rhythm with my breathing. I hit a great stride and I was feeling AWESOME.

The most interesting thing I've observed on my runs is suburban dog owners. These people. I tell you what. There is no more spoiled animal in the universe than a lap dog in suburbia. Their owners are so accommodating. They carry the dogs on walks. What IS that?! There are people that have dog carriers! Baby carriers FOR A DOG. I'm actually, literally embarrassed for your dog. They have no control over that nonsense. Let your dog be a dog. You look like a crazy person. <end rant>Anyway, I ran about 2.5 miles, but I pushed myself hard today! I'm outrageously proud of myself. I take my phone with me on my run, for safety reasons but also because of my Audible app with which I listen to books while I run. Who needs music when you can focus that time on a little intellectual development? I realized it was getting pretty late in my morning, so I headed back.
Before I go, let it be known that I got through this "Chocolate" Forrest Gump themed entry without once actually craving chocolate. Progress. Be proud.
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