Monday, August 11, 2014

A Bump in the Road

Well it was bound to happen; a little hiccup to my otherwise brilliant plan. I promised you that I would blog daily to chronicle my journey. Journal my memoirs, if you will.

In my head, it made total sense to work out daily (sometimes twice) and blog each day. I mean, what could possibly get in the way of that foolproof plan? Oh yeah-- LIFE! While I have not been consistent with everything I planned, I DID have a few wins in the last few days... so read on and help me celebrate!

These last few days have been busy full. I haven't exactly been productive, which is CRAZY because I feel like each day ends with me sleeping basically before I hit my pillow. The conference in Minneapolis was excellent. I got together with some other employees in my role at our home office and powwowed for a day and a half coming up with ways to save the world, one well-worded email and efficiently organized file cabinet at a time.

My husband and I celebrate our birthdays two days apart. He insists on celebrating my birthday individually on the 7th and then I insist on celebrating HIS birthday on the 9th. Meanwhile, we celebrate Sandwich Day on the 8th-- the day that is sandwiched by our birthdays! We always do something fun like see a movie or have a special dinner. THIS year, we are both working to make our lives healthier and happier. However, we DO believe in living life and celebrating accordingly. A little cake once in awhile never hurt anyone. (How else are you going to make a wish for your year?)  Here's how it went down:
      - We split the ONE piece of birthday cake he bought for my birthday and I only could stomach a few bites. It was DELICIOUS, but my palate isn't used to that much sweetness anymore!
      - We ate at a popular BBQ place on his birthday. You guys, portions are HUGE pretty much everywhere, but definitely at this place. I immediately cut my sandwich in HALF and took that home for leftovers. BAM.
      - We chose healthy snacks and meals all weekend!
      - My husband, Randy, bought us both FitBits for our birthdays! This handy little gadget is a bracelet that tracks the steps you take each day. I average (without running) only about 5,000 steps per day. My weight loss goal is to DOUBLE that!

This morning, I was running behind and I *should* have hustled to work. But, I'm salaried so if I'm a few minutes late, it's not the end of the world. I told myself that I was going to WALK to work this morning. This seemed like a great idea in theory-- I only live 2 miles from work and it was a gorgeous, breezy August morning. So, I got dressed and slapped on my running shoes (super cute look, I know), threw all my crap in a laptop bag and off I went.

I started off well enough... be-boppin' along listening to How the World Sees You by Sally Hogshead on Audible. Amazing read (or listen, as it were), y'all... I highly recommend. I was admiring the birds and the gorgeous fluffy clouds and the bright sun. OH THE SUN. I walked to work with zero shade whatsoever. Pretty soon, my easy walk turned into a journey in the sweltering heat. Sweat. Was. Everywhere. Dripping down my face-- I could feel it soaking my tank top under my shirt. My hairline was getting perspiration beads all over it. My make up was melting. I got to work feeling like I was lost in a desert and grasping for a drop of water. Ridiculous. Oh hey, co-workers, happy Monday. Let me just wring out my shirt. G-ROSS.

However, I will be doing it again- I'll just be more prepared!

The one thing that really centered me and totally kept my cravings and over-eating in check was my daily dose of Shakeology. You guys, IT IS DELICIOUS and easy to take with you on the go. It's the easiest way to make sure, if nothing else, that your portion sizes and cravings stay at a manageable level. If you struggle with eating out, over-eating by the time you DO eat, portion control or staying full meal to meal, think about Shakeology. This is a great way to do all those things.

My conference in Minneapolis was about efficiency in the workplace, but it's crazy how much I was thinking about Beachbody the whole time and how all of the tactics I learned could apply to it. One take-away was that the Wall Street Journal did a study about efficiency in the workplace. They learned that 95% of what we do is non-productive time. NINETY-FIVE PERCENT!!! I'm moving towards the goal of spending my time wisely and cutting back on wasted time.

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