In my head, it made total sense to work out daily (sometimes twice) and blog each day. I mean, what could possibly get in the way of that foolproof plan? Oh yeah-- LIFE! While I have not been consistent with everything I planned, I DID have a few wins in the last few days... so read on and help me celebrate!
These last few days have been
My husband and I celebrate our birthdays two days apart. He insists on celebrating my birthday individually on the 7th and then I insist on celebrating HIS birthday on the 9th. Meanwhile, we celebrate Sandwich Day on the 8th-- the day that is sandwiched by our birthdays! We always do something fun like see a movie or have a special dinner. THIS year, we are both working to make our lives healthier and happier. However, we DO believe in living life and celebrating accordingly. A little cake once in awhile never hurt anyone. (How else are you going to make a wish for your year?) Here's how it went down:
- We split the ONE piece of birthday cake he bought for my birthday and I only could stomach a few bites. It was DELICIOUS, but my palate isn't used to that much sweetness anymore!
- We ate at a popular BBQ place on his birthday. You guys, portions are HUGE pretty much everywhere, but definitely at this place. I immediately cut my sandwich in HALF and took that home for leftovers. BAM.
- We chose healthy snacks and meals all weekend!
- My husband, Randy, bought us both FitBits for our birthdays! This handy little gadget is a bracelet that tracks the steps you take each day. I average (without running) only about 5,000 steps per day. My weight loss goal is to DOUBLE that!
This morning, I was running behind and I *should* have hustled to work. But, I'm salaried so if I'm a few minutes late, it's not the end of the world. I told myself that I was going to WALK to work this morning. This seemed like a great idea in theory-- I only live 2 miles from work and it was a gorgeous, breezy August morning. So, I got dressed and slapped on my running shoes (super cute look, I know), threw all my crap in a laptop bag and off I went.
I started off well enough... be-boppin' along listening to How the World Sees You by Sally Hogshead on Audible. Amazing read (or listen, as it were), y'all... I highly recommend. I was admiring the birds and the gorgeous fluffy clouds and the bright sun. OH THE SUN. I walked to work with zero shade whatsoever. Pretty soon, my easy walk turned into a journey in the sweltering heat. Sweat. Was. Everywhere. Dripping down my face-- I could feel it soaking my tank top under my shirt. My hairline was getting perspiration beads all over it. My make up was melting. I got to work feeling like I was lost in a desert and grasping for a drop of water. Ridiculous. Oh hey, co-workers, happy Monday. Let me just wring out my shirt. G-ROSS.
However, I will be doing it again- I'll just be more prepared!

My conference in Minneapolis was about efficiency in the workplace, but it's crazy how much I was thinking about Beachbody the whole time and how all of the tactics I learned could apply to it. One take-away was that the Wall Street Journal did a study about efficiency in the workplace. They learned that 95% of what we do is non-productive time. NINETY-FIVE PERCENT!!! I'm moving towards the goal of spending my time wisely and cutting back on wasted time.
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