Monday, August 4, 2014

In the Name of Modification

Happy Monday, friends! Today I started my two-a-day workouts and I feel awesome! I run in the morning, anywhere between a mile and a half and just over 2 miles, depending on the time I have each day. I'd like to get up to about 3 miles, but that's a process.

Then in the afternoon after work, I REALLY want to come home and do nothing but eat dinner and hang out. You can learn more about T25 here and buy it here.

Today was cardio, which is no one's favorite, so I was happy to knock it out and be done with it for the week! Sweat was pouring down my face.

Luckily for me, most of the Beachbody workouts have a modified workout. There are several people on the video also doing the workout and one of them is doing modified moves and still getting a great workout.
That person is going to be my new best friend for awhile. In the T25 workout, the modifying person is Tania and she's AMAZING. Can I just say, I don't understand how these people smile the WHOLE time while working out! I'm huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf in my living room and they are having the best time of their lives. Crazy.

<----   ANYWAY, Tania. LOOK AT HER.

I don't always plan to do the modified workouts, but I do them because right now, that's a challenge for me. The point is, I'm doing it!

And one day, I'll be the girl that's totally rocking my work out with a big smile on my face the whole time. :)

1 comment:

  1. "huffing & puffing like the big bad wolf in my living room..." HAHAHAHAHA. you crack me up.
