How's THAT for an opening, eh? Today is August 1, 2014. This month I turn 29 and the beginning of the last year of my 20s. This could also be the last year I'm a childless woman... who knows. In many ways, this month marks a big transition point for me. August 2014 also marks the one year anniversary of me being a Beachbody Coach.
My life as a Beachbody coach can be summed up in one word: non-committal. I go through phases of major motivation and then, not so much. I don't see immediate results and get discouraged and give up for a bit only to start over with a jolt of energy. It's exhausting and it's not getting me anywhere near my goal!
There are LOTS of Beachbody coaches, y'all... there's an entire network and when you join, you're connected to their social groups and circles and, well, it's intimidating. They are all in great shape and seem to really have nothing better to do than to work their business. Many of them don't work outside the home and have time to read personal development books and listen to team calls a few nights a week. THAT'S why they are intimidating and from where I sit, that's frustrating.
But then you take a closer look and most of these people stay home because they have kids. Busy ones. And they have time to read and listen to calls because they PLAN to do it. Vince Lombardi said, "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Isn't it AMAZING that people can be successful if they had the ambition to be?
You see, as a kid I always visualized myself as an adult that would be comfortable financially and has the option of staying home with children, if I was blessed enough to have them. I visualized myself as being in shape and active. I visualized that I would be crazy about my husband and we'd go on frequent dates, travel often and entertain friends at our beautiful home.
It seems pretty simple, and maybe some of you are laughing thinking how ordinary that sounds. But aside from being crazy about my amazing husband, I don't have those other things. In fact, most people don't have those options at the ripe ol' age of 29. Some of them are attributed to financial constraints. Some are physical and some of them simply haven't come up in God's plan for me just yet.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted on my Facebook page that I had some "BIG NEWS" to share. I can't tell you how many people asked me about it privately-- they wondered if I was pregnant, or moving, or I had found a new job or going to some big destination spot. NOPE! The big announcement is:
I'm going to be even better than I am right now at this time next year! <-- Cue crashing cymbals. I want my last year of my 20s to be transitional. Transitional to AWESOME. I'm tired of thinking that ONE DAY I'll fit into my college jeans again and ONE DAY I'll be financially able to book a girls weekend or buy my husband those amazing Steelers tickets. I want to be able to give and give generously to all the people can things I love.
There are a few things I plan to do:
- I plan to be in a better spot financially at this time next year. I won't bore you with the details of my financial state, but like any good ol' American college grad, I have a hefty amount of student loan debt I'd like to pay
- I plan to be in better shape by my 30th birthday. Since I left college, I've worked in a couple of office jobs where I sit all day and become "exhausted" at the end of each day. I stopped exercising for a long time and my diet went out the window. It's all gonna change, folks. I want to make sure that I'm the best version of myself for my husband, my job and for my family. Most people I know actually gained weight after college-- they get busy with jobs, fall in love and gain that "I'm happy and in love" weight, and stop making time for regular exercise and healthy eating. I'm in the same boat. I'm ready to be a happy, healthy adult with a smaller waistline. WHO'S WITH ME!?
The master plan involves being all up in yo' face. Just kidding. But I do plan to blog each day...some of these may get a little boring, but I will be chronicling my journey to the good life. I will post quite a bit on Facebook (I even have my own coach page!) host Beachbody Challenge Groups. I will add more to my Beachbody Coach Pinterest page and maybe even go crazy and create a Coach Twitter Account. I have been pretty inspired by a few people's weight loss and fitness journeys and I'd like to be an inspiration. #FitAndFree
I will post recipes and workout updates. Hopefully what I post will be uplifting and positive everyday and just by reading it you'll be motivated to make some big changes in your own life. But, if you've ever tried hard to lose weight, you know that it can also sometimes be frustrating and discouraging, so you can probably expect some of that too. It will be REAL, that's for sure!
Additionally, I'll be posting some tips and conquered challenges when it comes to our debt-free goal. If you don't know where to begin with that or just like to read helpful tips, you can check that part out on the debt free tab.
In my early 20s, I celebrated my birthday month. It's still a running joke among a few friends that I would take every opportunity during the month of August to celebrate and enjoy life. Well, I've abandoned that somewhat childish practice only to now focus on a FULL YEAR. Ha! But instead of celebrating with happy hours, late nights and shopping, I'm celebrating with Shakeology, early mornings and debt pay off. You can't say I don't know how to party.
So there it is, welcome to my transitional year of awesome. It's not pregnancy news or new job news or anything like that. But in my mind this is putting the horse before the cart--where it should be and making some good lifestyle changes to set the tone for my 30s. It's an incredibly lofty, but achievable goal and I'm counting on all of you for motivation and encouragement.
I'd love to work with you if you're in the same spot as I am and want to make a better future for yourself and your family. Or, if you AREN'T in the same spot but have some bigger goals for yourself. It's going to be an awesome year, friends.
Until tomorrow!!!
Future skinny-jean wearin', debt-free Mrs. L.
"future skinny-jean wearing', debt-free Mrs L"... I LOVE THAT PART. so...we should do a challenge or something TOGETHER while we do our own stuff...something to hold us accountable...like, I'm not drinking pop until the end of August except...we could do something like until your next birthday...or something crazy -- I don't know! Something to better ourselves!