Thursday, March 3, 2016

Life Lessons Learned From My 7 Month Old.

Having a baby is so humbling, y'all. I'm reminded daily that I'm merely a temporary caretaker of this little human and sometimes I feel incredibly inadequate.

I've turned my life upside down for someone that can't even talk. There are days I wonder why. I wonder why I gave up stability and daily adult interaction for a life of diapers and periodic crying for no reason. But then I watch this little man learn and grow and it's so obvious to me why God led me down this path.

This boy teaches me something every day.

To take the time to watch an infant play every day is a gift, one that many overlook as the "unimportant" time in a child's life, boring even. Pay attention, folks. The things your child will teach you even as an infant are incredible. At the same time these things are both simple and complex.

My son is seven months old already. (When did THAT happen!?) Army crawling and scooting all over the place. ALL. OVER....and getting into everything. So, the first thing he teaches me is DETERMINATION.

Have you ever looked at a baby's face when he's dead set on getting to something? My son clenches his jaw, fixes his eyes on his goal and GOES. This determined expression is so intense and nothing will get in his way of getting to whatever-it-is (at this point, usually electrical cords). Can you even imagine going towards your goal in this way as an adult? Can you imagine how much you could accomplish with that level of perseverance? Take note, world, Silas is on a mission.

The second thing this little man teaches me is how to OVERCOME OBSTACLES. Piggybacking on determination, this kiddo sees an obstacle and tackles it. He wants a toy on the other side of Mommy's legs? He's just going to crawl right over my legs, rather than going around them. We haven't officially baby-proofed our house, but we do put up obstacles to keep him relatively corralled in the living room. Does he accept those barriers as law? NO! He has now started crawling through our end tables to get to where he wants to go.

The third life lesson I've learned from my infant son is that attitude is absolutely everything. He wakes up smiling as if he decides before he even gets out of bed that he's going to have a good day. He accidentally bangs his head into a wall because he's not looking where he's going when he's crawling and laughs it off. His attitude inspires me daily.

Finally, he reminds me daily that little acts of love go a long way. This little nugget is learning to be so loving and he can hug and kiss now (well, sort of. It's more of an open mouth resting on your face). But I'm telling you, one hug, kiss, smile or snuggle can go a long way and completely make my day. It really is the little things.

Pay attention to your little ones and the ones around you. When you think you are the one that's supposed to teach them everything, they have some of the purest and most amazing things to teach you. I've turned my life upside down for someone that can't even talk and it's the best decision I have ever made.


  1. love it. what a blessing to be at home with your dude!!! :D -jacie

