It's important to me that I'm always contributing financially to my family in some way. I stay at home with my little man, but that can so often be viewed as JUST a stay at home mom. I'm working to combat that stigma and bring in some moolah for my family.
I want to have something in my life that's mine; something that I do to better myself. Not because I'm a mom or a wife or the daycare lady or working to build someone else's business. THOSE ARE ALL GREAT THINGS. Honestly, helping is what I do best and in all those roles, I help a LOT. It's high time I help myself.
My husband and I have some REALISTICALLY AMBITIOUS goals of erasing our debt and we're tackling it pretty hard this year already. I'm sick of the debt we have and even more frustrated that we can't do more FUN things with our money. We want to travel, update our house a bit (Pinterest is going to be the death of me), and invest our money wisely and make some smart decisions towards our future.

In addition to my other current endeavors, I'm revisiting my life as a Beachbody coach. I've actually been a coach since 2013 but I've never fully, 100% committed to this goal. Something else has always gotten in the way and excuses are easy to make. I've since become a mother and turned 30 years old. These are two things that, as a woman, can lead to some seriously low self esteem about body image. I don't want to spend my 30s feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I want to be happy in my skin and that'll lead to an even more solid relationship with my husband, happier relationships with friends and high self esteem to show my son that there are women that are truly happy with their bodies and embrace their "flaws."
So look for posts from me about WORK about bettering your life.
+ Working for Thrivent Financial, bettering your financial situation.
+ Working for Iowa Doula Agency, bettering the birth process (and beyond) for women of Central Iowa (seriously ladies, look into this.)
+ Working for Team Lacina, working to build future leaders and strong boys (the MOST important).
+ Working to better my body, self-esteem and personal relationships by working with Beachbody. And if you get a chance, like my Facebook HERE and hit LIKE to join the journey.
Hang on to your hats, friends, 2016 is going to be a busy but wonderful year. I will have a lot going on on social media, but don't unfriend's all to better YOU! <3
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