Thursday, February 12, 2015

Negative Nancy

This has been one of those weeks, friends. Every day is met with tasks that take me most of a day to complete and come with many, many obstacles. At the end of every day I go home, stumble through trying to make some sad excuse for a dinner (my poor husband. I tell ya what. He puts up with so much) and then I veg out until it's a respectable time for bed. I am mentally exhausted and physically drained of energy.

As a result, I've been a total Negative Nancy all week with a generally pessimistic outlook on life.

- Physically, the baby is growing a lot and I am more of a slug that I ever thought possible. I have 2 pairs of work appropriate pants that currently fit and a quickly dwindling number of shirts. However I refuse to pay full price for maternity clothes-- they are so short term that I can't justify spending that much money on them.
- Emotionally, I'm a mess-- I watch TV and cry. Songs on the radio make me cry. I blame the fetus.
- Professionally, my role at work is changing and I have a lot of questions about it that are currently unanswered so that's stressful.
- It's also FREEZING. Every day. I hate winter. I guess it's about this time every year where I get FED UP with being cold constantly. Any good Iowan will tell you excitedly about what a "mild winter we've had so far," and "really, it could be worse." I mean, you know it's bad when the cat happily trots to the space heater and flops down in front of it until I turn it off. I want nothing to do with this stupid season (post-Christmas, that is).

Bah. Humbug.

But seriously, some warm weather and cooked sushi isn't too much to ask, is it?

Naturally, I'm a pessimist. I try hard to beat that, but some times are more difficult than others. I don't LIKE being like this. I'd love to be perky and happy and super duper positive about everything all the time, but let's be real...

...those people are also kind of annoying.

 In my social media world, I generally post positive things or try to be funny. Even in my personal and professional life, I TRY to look on the bright side of things. Remember that Disney movie with Hayley Mills, Pollyanna? She always tries to play the "glad game" and find the good in everything. I DO THAT.

Just not this week.

I know, many of you are probably reading this thinking that I need just shut up and quit complaining. Negative thinking only breeds negative actions. In reality, my life is pretty great. But if everyone is entitled to their bad days, I'm choosing the last four.

This entry actually has no profound conclusion and probably won't make you walk away and think what a thought-provoking writer I am. If it's anything, it's a call for response. HOW can I get out of this FUNK?

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