Thursday, September 18, 2014

Priorities in Consistency

A week is far too long, friends. I missed you! I last blogged on September 11 and since then, my life has been NON STOP.

Work, at the job that I absolutely love (and yes, I really mean that), has been keeping me busy all the time. I bring home work many nights and I still feel like I'm drowning in unread and unanswered emails. Each day brings fires to put out on almost a constant basis. That PILE that I wrote about in another entry is long gone but only to be replaced with more piles, consistent interruption.

Along with a few other issues, I've been busy and stressed to say the least. I haven't been consistent with blogging, it's true. But here's the deal--- when I have a free window of time, should I spend 30 minutes blogging or workin' on my fitness?

My friend and guest blogger from my post on Biblical Fitness, Bryan, commented that this journey isn't about how much I advertise it. It's a lifestyle change so it's going to have it's ups and downs. It's encouraging to hear that because I promised originally that I would blog daily. I guess I thought I was in the movie Julie and Julia or something. The fact is, that's not realistic. I get busy. I work a lot. That's my life. In the last week, I've been busy. BUT. I HAVE been consistent with workouts! 

I am proud to report a few really amazing things:

1. I have run so may miles, you guys. I have been challenged by my FitBit to keep walking, move more and chug water. But the running is therapeutic. I clear my head and I get some great ideas. It's my "me time" and I'm getting to the point that I kind of crave it.

2. Since August 1, the beginning of my challenge, I have lost 6 pounds. This may not be a big deal to some, who can lose weight by simply taking the stairs or something. This morning, I stepped on the scale and saw a number that I haven't seen since before my wedding. It's nowhere close to where I want to be, but this is EXCITING and MOTIVATING! I also know that the number on the scale is really nothing-- that's not what I should focus on. But you guys, this is uplifting. I'm pretty excited to report back on my Pants Project challenge on September 26!!

Thanks, Special K, for this great ad campaign!
Consistency is paying off in my world. While I use blogging for encouragement and accountability, it's not my first priority.

I will try to be more consistent with blogging, but no promises... I'm too busy over here being awesome. :)

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