My life is completely different than it was a month ago and finding my stride and routine continues to be a work in progress.
So-- I quit my job. My steady, full time, full benefits office job. I quit rushing around in the morning to get Silas ready for daycare and me presentable for work. I quit commuting. I quit meetings and conference calls and fixing the copy machine.
I traded it for a 24/7, nonstop career of giggles and crying, snuggles and diapers, smiles and snot. The first week was spent completely in sweats and no make-up. I celebrated my new role and mourned the loss of my old one at the same time. After the first week, I decided I needed to maintain some sort of structure. If I'm going to juggle as much as I plan, I need to treat my life more like a business.
So Monday I woke up, put in my contacts and put on jeans. YES, structured pants were a good start. I made a two-item to do list:
- make a tax appointment
- do all the laundry

But, because my house was filled with babies that needed attention, only one load of laundry was done on Monday and I didn't get around to emailing the accountant until Thursday. This is another week, right? I can start fresh again? I can totally do this and a two item to do list should not be difficult to accomplish each day. I've got this.
I have to have some faith in this process. Change is hard and a huge shift in routine is a difficult adjustment for me. But, I'm telling you right now that God is already showing Himself in my life.
My sister is staying with us for a few weeks with her four sweet kiddos. While there are some really crazy moments, I am so thankful she's here. I've relied on her for guidance and advice and there is absolutely no woman on Earth more patient than my little sister. She's leading by example as a mother and a time manager and God's timing is perfect with her being here.

Of course, my main support in all this my husband. This man is always, and I mean ALWAYS ready and willing to help. He works hard at work, in school and as a husband and father. He jumps right in for everything, with our sweet son and with our niece and nephews. Knowing that not all husbands and fathers are as involved, I count my blessings knowing that I can always rely on this man to be my balance, sounding board and peacekeeper.
So as I prepare for the upcoming week, I am eager to start establishing a routine of time management, get my home office in order, and keep working on those pesky day to day chores like laundry. My work life balance is changing for the better and we are redefining "normal" for our family. Life is crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way right now.
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