JOB 1: I am a full time mama AND a watch another little one full time during the week. This is my favorite job and easily the most important one. I get to wake up each day, snuggle my sweet babe and make breakfast. Mornings are my favorite part of every day. I have these two little boys in my home that snuggle and coo and smile up at me all day.
It's true I don't wear make up and my hair is a mess most days. The boys aren't ALWAYS smiley and perfect and sometimes I discover body fluid on me and I have no idea whose it is or how long it's been there. But, I can rock some spit up "shoulder pads," survive a day on little sleep (and I'm still proudly not a coffee drinker), and my house is more in order than it's been probably ever. I have more motivation now than ever and it's a fantastic feeling. This is reason #1 I post on Facebook. I'm so proud of my son and really, my choice to be home with him.
JOB 2: So when I left my job, one of the reps jumped on the opportunity to hire me as a quarter time admin person for him. The perks are that I get to work from home and it's only about 10 hours a week for now. Thrivent helps their members to live generously and be wise with money and there are SO many great reasons to be a member. Part of the job is to post on social media for him, so that's reason #2 I post on Facebook. I am happy to support a company that has such outstanding benefits for it's members.
JOB 3: My oldest friend has always had a passion for birth, for literally as long as I've known her. She's now a doula and began the Iowa Doula Agency last year. When I was expecting Silas, Randy and I took a few birth education classes and realized that we wanted a doula during our labor and delivery process. I was lucky to have my husband AND my oldest friend in the room to welcome Silas into the world with me. To be frank, doulas are amazing and it was the best thing we did for ourselves during the whole process. Anyway, Andrea asked if I'd be interested in being her Operations Manager, so here I am! It's also mostly from home and involves a lot of social media, so that's reason #3 I post on Facebook. I'm passionate about moms having the best birth experience they can, and I believe doulas are a part of that.

My intention was to be home with my son, but my fear was to give up life in the working world. God led me to these other two jobs and I'm SO happy it's working out the way it is. I still have a ways to go with getting a routine in place, but the best I can do is take it day by day and do a little better each day. My Facebook posts are intentional and not just to toot my friends' horns. These are GREAT organizations to be involved with and I'm happy to spread the word!