She has a nicer car.
She gets paid more.
Her house is gorgeous!
The grass is always greener on the other side, it seems, and that's a HARD hurdle to jump sometimes. When it comes to physical traits, the grass fertilizing statements morph into self-deprecating phrases that effect your well-being and self-esteem. We, as women, have GOT to move past that.
I'm speaking to myself just as much as anyone reading this. Because of my weight gain in the last few years, I have become self-conscious and a little socially anxious. I'm always on the defensive, looking at others and thinking about how they see me. I tend to be more of a homebody. When I do go out, I am overly concerned about what I'm wearing and how I look. Just ask my husband. He's great at answering my incessant questions and saying the right thing.

For the record, I know this behavior is that of insecure, self-centered and vain girls. The size of my jeans DOES NOT MATTER. I know this. So, this begs the question, WHY DO I ACT THIS WAY?!?
Because I'm human and because I don't feel like the best version of myself.
However, I've decided to own it. My jeans are bigger than I'd like them to be and my hips are constantly knocking things off my desk at work. My arms jiggle like a lunch lady's and my thighs could start a small fire when I run. That's ok. I'm striving to change it because I don't feel like ME with how my body is now, but SKINNY isn't the answer and every woman needs to hear that.
If you're trying to lose weight because you want to look like someone else, you will most likely fail. You're never going to look like anyone else. You will only always look like you. Focus on looking like the best version of yourself. Do it JOYFULLY and not begrudgingly and you'll be more motivated and more successful.
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