On a deeper level, being a mother changes every part of you. At one point in my life, I was fun. I had a sense of humor. A group of friends. A life. Those things are now somewhat buried under layers of momma love, stray food, and sleep deprivation.
ANYWAY, back to this weekend. Shawna's one of those friends that you can pick up with where you left off like you were never apart. She's simply amazing.
Throughout the weekend, while trying to squeeze in girl time, I watched some kiddos for a friend, Silas was dealing with teething and I generally had to be Mommy more than I was Laura. I think I apologized to Shawna about 100 times and every time she said, "It's fine, I really don't mind." And you know what? I think she meant it.
So this entry is for the single ladies out there. I know it's hard. It's hard to be single. It's hard to always be asked why you're single or if you're dating anyone. And it really sucks when people ask why you aren't married. Or they remind you oh-so-subtly that time is "running out." Social events become exhausting and depressing. We're at a stage where everyone is married. Most have kids. Hanging out socially becomes a balancing act in logistics with babysitters, watching the clock and rationing drinks.

reason, too.)
So please, keep being awesome. Don't settle on a guy just because it's "time." Don't feel pressured to move into another season of life; live this one to the fullest (because people like me like to live vicariously through you from time to time). Single life is awesome. Married life is awesome. It is what you make it, ladies!! <3